Numbers in scientific notation should be written using only a 1s digits and fraction digits
4.95 - 4.587 = ____ | 9.7 + 13 = ____ | Write 0.3 using scientific notation
______________ |
Write using decimals _________ | 2 x 0.85 = ____ | 15.002 + 11.702 = ____ |
5.3 - 0.4 = ____ | Write using decimals _________ | Write 0.91 using fractions
_________ |
Write 0.68 using fractions
_________ | Write using decimals _________ | Write using decimals _________ |
6 x 1.6 = ____ | Write using decimals _________ | Write using decimals _________ |
Write using decimals _________ | Write using decimals _________ | Write using decimals _________ |
2.625 - 0.475 = ____ | 5 x 0.4 = ____ | Write 2588 using scientific notation
______________ |
0.84 + 6.004 = ____ | 17.48 + 22.15 = ____ | Write 0.9 using scientific notation
______________ |
Write 0.53 using scientific notation
______________ |